
2009 National POW/MIA Recognition Day
A Pentagon
ceremony for National POW/MIA Recognition Day will be held on Friday, Sept.18, 2009. This ceremony will feature troops from
each of the military services. The president will issue a proclamation commemorating the observances and reminding the nation
of those Americans who have sacrificed so much for their country.
Observances of National POW/MIA Recognition Day
are held across the country on military installations, ships at sea, state capitols, schools and veterans' facilities. This
observance is one of six days throughout the year that Congress has mandated the flying of the National League of Families'
POW/MIA flag. The others are Armed Forces Day, Memorial Day, Flag Day, Independence Day and Veterans Day. The flag is to be
flown at major military installations, national cemeteries, all post offices, VA medical facilities, the World War II Memorial,
Korean War Veterans Memorial, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, the official offices of the secretaries of state, defense and
veterans affairs, the director of the selective service system and the White House.

I'm just a nameless silhouette; nobody knows my face,
Though many of you pray for me each day;
The man you said you won't forget, in a dark and distant place.
I am the POW; I am the MIA.
I am a Navy pilot; I am a dead Marine;
I am the wounded grunt they couldn't find.
But I'm living still, and I'm long dead, and I'm somewhere in between,
And I can't believe that I was left behind.
They killed me in an ambush, and they captured me alive,
And I died when my Huey crashed and burned.
They over-ran my unit, but I managed to survive,
And they brought me North in chains when they returned.
They beat me and they whipped me, and they worked me til I dropped.
To break my will, they made their best endeavor.
When great despair had gripped me, still the torture never stopped,
And they told me: We can keep you here forever.
They told me that my parents died, that my kids were grown and gone; And
my wife lost hope, and married my best friend. But there's a prayer I
hold inside, that helps me to go on: That someone still remembers, and
you'll bring me Home again.
I'm just a nameless silhouette; nobody knows my face,
Though many of you pray for me each day;
The man you said you won't forget, in a dark and distant place.
I am the POW; I am the MIA.
Tim Murphy c. 1986
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